Ralph Bodle


Publications Ralph Bodle (né Czarnecki)

  • Bodle, Ralph (forthcoming). Legal commentary on Article 4.3, Article 4.4, Article 7 UNFCCC, Article 9 and Article 10 Paris Agreement. In: Hofmann, E., Hess, F. (eds.), Beck’scher Onlinekommentar zum Klimarecht (BeckOK KlimR).
  • Bodle, Ralph, (forthcoming). International Climate Finance: Institutions in the climate regime, in: Mehling, M., Asselt, H. van (Eds.), Research Handbook on Climate Finance and Investment Law. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham
  • Bodle, Ralph, Arne Riedel, and Camilla Bausch. “Der Klimagipfel von Sharm El-Sheikh: Fortschritt Und Stillstand.” Klima und Recht, no. 1 (2023): 2–6
  • Bodle, Ralph, and Stephan Sina. 2022. “The German Federal Constitutional Court’s Decision on the Climate Change Act.” Carbon & Climate Law Review 16, no. 1: 18–24. https://doi.org/10.21552/cclr/2022/1/5
  • Bodle, R., 2022. International soil governance. Soil Security 6, 100037. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soisec.2022.100037
  • Bodle, R., Sina, S., Donat, L., Bach, I., Wolff, F., Kampffmeyer, N., Sanden, J., 2021. Options under International Law to Increase Resource Efficiency. Umweltbundesamt, Dessau-Roßlau.
  • Stockhaus, H., Stein, U., Meinecke, L.F., Gerstetter, C., Bodle, R., Holmes, A., Bueb, B., Hundegger, S., 2021. Potenziale anderer Rechtsbereiche zum Erreichen der Ziele der Wasserrahmenrichtlinie. Umweltbundesamt, Dessau-Roßlau.
  • Bodle, R., Stockhaus, H., Wolff, F., Oberthür, S., 2021. The Future of International Soil Governance, in: Ginzky, H., Dooley, E., Heuser, I.L., Kasimbazi, E., Kibugi, R., Markus, T., Qin, T., Ruppel, O. (Eds.), International Yearbook of Soil Law and Policy 2019, International Yearbook of Soil Law and Policy. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 155–176. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-52317-6_9
  • Bodle, R., Stockhaus, H., Sina, S., Gerstetter, C., Donat, L., Bach, I., Hermann, A., Gailhofer, P., Manhart, A., Schüler, D., Lörcher, M., Feldt, H., Castro, V., Soerensen, A., 2020. International Governance for Environmentally Sound Supply of Raw Materials – Policy Options and Recommendations. Umweltbundesamt, Dessau-Roßlau.
  • Duwe, M., Bodle, R., 2020. ‘Paris Compatible’ Climate Change Acts? : National Framework Legislation in an International World, in: Muinzer, T.L. (Ed.), National Climate Change Acts : The Emergence, Form and Nature of National Framework Climate Legislation, Global Energy Law and Policy. Hart Publishing, Oxford, pp. 43–68. doi: 10.5040/9781509941742.ch-002
  • Bodle, R., Stockhaus, H., 2019. Geeignete Rechtsinstrumente für die nationale Umsetzung der bodenbezogenen sustainable development goals, insbesondere des Ziels einer ‘land degradation neutral world.’ Umweltbundesamt, Dessau-Roßlau.
  • Bodle, R., Stockhaus, H., Wolff, F., Scherf, C.-S., Oberthür, S., 2019. Improving international soil governance – Analysis and recommendations. Umweltbundesamt, Dessau-Roßlau.
  • Tuncak, Baskut, Gretta Goldenman, Ralph Bodle, Florent Pelsy, and Sarah O’Brien. 2019. Investigation of Elements in Support of the Global Post 2020 Framework for Chemicals and Waste. Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (SSNC).
  • Wunder, S., Bodle, R., 2019. Achieving land degradation neutrality in Germany: Implementation process and design of a land use change based indicator. Environmental Science & Policy 92, 46–55. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2018.09.022
  • Altvater, S., Bodle, R., Landgrebe-Trinkunaite, R., Porsch, L., Roberts, E., 2018. Kosten und Nutzen einer europäischen Bodenrahmen-Richtlinie für Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt.
  • Bodle, R., 2018. Implementing land degradation neutrality at national level: Legal instruments in Germany, in: Ginzky, H., Heuser, I.L., Qin, T., Ruppel, O.C., Wegerdt, P. (Eds.), International Yearbook of Soil Law and Policy 2017. Springer International, Cham, pp. 287–308.
  • Bodle, R., Noens, V., 2018. Climate Finance: Too Much on Detail, Too Little on the Big Picture? Carbon & Climate Law Review 12, 248–257. https://doi.org/10.21552/cclr/2018/3/11
  • Riedel, A., Bodle, R., 2018. Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform – Potential governance arrangements under the Paris Agreements., TemaNord 2018:527. Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen.
  • Bodle, R., Homann, G., 2017. PRTR-Gesetz (SchadRegProtAG). Kommentar. Aktualisierung 2017.
  • Bodle, R., Oberthuer, S., 2017. Legal form of the Paris Agreement and nature of obligations, in: Klein, D., Carazo, M.P., Doelle, M., Bulmer, J., Higham, A. (Eds.), The Paris Agreement on Climate Change: Analysis and Commentary. Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York, pp. 91–103.
  • Bodle, R., Donat, L., Duwe, M., 2016. The Paris Agreement: Analysis, Assessment and Outlook. Carbon & Climate Law Review 10, 5–22.
  • Bodle, R., Kalcher, L., Roberts, J., 2016. Early ratification of the Paris Agreement by the EU – legal implications. Legal expert note.
  • Oberthuer, S., Bodle, R., 2016. Legal Form and Nature of the Paris Outcome. Climate Law 6, 40–57. https://doi.org/10.1163/18786561-00601003
  • Williamson, P., Bodle, R., 2016. Update on Climate Geoengineering in Relation to the Convention on Biological Diversity: Potential Impacts and Regulatory Framework, Technical Series. Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Montreal.
  • Bodle, R., Oberthuer, S., Donat, L., Homann, G., Sina, S., Tedsen, E., 2014. Options and Proposals for the International Governance of Geoengineering. Research report for the German Federal Environment Agency, Climate change series. Umweltbundesamt, Dessau-Roßlau.
  • Bodle, R. and Umpfenbach, K., 2015. The links between reporting requirements under the UNFCCC and EU governance of 2030 targets. Policy Brief for the European Climate Foundation, Ecologic Institute, Berlin. https://www.ecologic.eu/12529
  • Donat, L., Bodle, R., 2014. A Dynamic Adjustment Mechanism for the 2015 Climate Agreement. CCLR 8, 23–34.
  • Bodle, R., 2013. Climate Law and Geoengineering, in: Hollo, E.J., Kulovesi, K., Mehling, M. (Eds.), Climate Change and the Law, Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice. Springer Science & Business Media, Dordrecht, pp. 447–470.
  • Bodle, R., Homann, G., 2013. PRTR-Gesetz (SchadRegProtAG). Kommentar.
  • Bodle, R., 2012. The Regulatory Framework for Climate-Related Geoengineering Relevant to the Convention on Biological Diversity. Part II of: Geoengineering in Relation to the Convention on Biological Diversity: Technical and Regulatory Matters, Technical Series. Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Montreal.
  • Bodle, R., 2010. Geoengineering and International Law: The Search For Common Legal Ground. Tulsa Law Review 46, 305–322.
  • Bodle, R., Kraemer, R.A., 2010. Wer darf am Thermostat drehen? Der rechtliche Rahmen von Geo-Engineering. Politische Ökologie, Geo-Engineering : Notwendiger Plan B gegen den Klimawandel? 28, 44–47.
  • Czarnecki, R., 2009. Wasserrecht, in: Terwiesche, M. (Ed.), Handbuch des Fachanwalts Verwaltungsrecht. Luchterhand, Köln, pp. 1749–1788.
  • Czarnecki, R., Guilanpour, K., 2009. The Adaptation Fund after Poznan. Carbon & Climate Law Review 2009, 79–87.
  • Czarnecki, R., 2008. Verteilungsgerechtigkeit im Umweltvölkerrecht: Dogmatik und Umsetzung. Duncker & Humblot, Berlin.
  • Czarnecki, R., 2008. Gezielte Wetterveränderungen als Rechtsproblem. ZUR 19, 134–141.
  • Czarnecki, R., Mehling, M., Meyer-Ohlendorf, N., 2008. International trade policy in a world of different carbon prices, in: European Parliament (Ed.), Competitive Distortions and Leakage in a World of Different Carbon Prices. Study PE 408.544. European Parliament, pp. 23–34.
  • Czarnecki, R., Lenski, E., 2007. Fallrepetitorium Völkerrecht, Zweite, überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage. ed, Springer-Lehrbuch. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  • Czarnecki, R., 2006. Umweltgerechtigkeit in der Fernstraßenplanung, in: Kloepfer, M. (Ed.), Umweltgerechtigkeit. Environmental Justice in Der Deutschen Rechtsordnung. Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, pp. 116–146.
  • Czarnecki, R., 2006. Umweltgerechtigkeit im Klimaschutz und Emissionshandel, in: Kloepfer, M. (Ed.), Umweltgerechtigkeit. Environmental Justice in Der Deutschen Rechtsordnung. Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, pp. 278–301.
  • Kühne, R., Czarnecki, R., 2005. Informationsansprüche Gegenüber Kommunalen Unternehmen. LKV 481–485.
  • Czarnecki, R., 2004. Internationales und europäisches Umweltrecht, Umweltrechtsvergleichung, in: Kloepfer, M., Umweltrecht, 3. Aufl. Beck, München, pp. 616–733.
  • Czarnecki, R., Altmann, J., Fischer, H., Van der Graaf, H., 1998. Maintaining Consent: The Legality of Ground Sensors in UN Peace Operations, in: Sensors for Peace: Applications, Systems and Legal Requirements for Monitoring in Peace Operations. United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, Geneva, pp. 155–217.
  • Czarnecki, R., 1995. The Protection of Minorities Under Art. 27 CCPR and the Individual Complaints Procedure, Bochum: Brockmeyer, Institut fuer Friedenssicherungsrecht und Humanitäres Völkerrecht Studien. Brockmeyer, Bochum.
  • Czarnecki, R., 1994a. Die Operation Türkis in Ruanda. Humanitäres Völkerrecht – Informationsschriften 195–198.
  • Czarnecki, R., 1994b. Blauhelme als Geiseln. Humanitäres Völkerrecht – Informationsschriften 75–77.


  • Guest editor and editorial of Carbon & Climate Law Review Vol. 3 (2009) No. 3: “Legal and institutional dimensions of the Copenhagen regime” (with Camilla Bausch and Michael Mehling).